solo exhibition, Kemijski inštitut, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2023

Cosmic insignificance We float in this immense cosmos like a speck of dust in the morning sky. - Guy Kahane
The singularity of the existence of anyone and anything can be the only one in the wide spectrum of existence premise as we immerse ourselves in what builds the world around us. The world we see here, incomprehensible a concept that man will never and will never be able to fully understand. The fullness is difficult for us to understand. Sometimes it seems to us that in these moments researching and trying to see and feel everything, we find that essence that we have always been looking for that the bitter reality of elusiveness that awaits us. There is always something more, a step further. Like you would watch the horizon as day turns to night. The elusive moment that falsely gives us the feeling that it is there and will always be there at our fingertips. But when we intervene, it will always one step further. Illusion in all the lights of reality.
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group AR poster exhibition, Animated Women / Kaboom Animation Festival, Utrecht, Nederland, 2023

group exhibition, Klub Tiffany, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2023
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group AR poster exhibition, Animated Women / Animateka Animation Film Festival, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 2022

Sodobna neskladja
group exhibition, Galery Škuc, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2022

Foto: Matej Tomažin, Arhiv: Artopolis
Fragments of
space and time
solo poster exhibition, JallaJalla - AKC Metelkova, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2022
We live in the illusion of an utopian present that is turning into a dystopian past. We are not aware of our transience. We evaluated it in terms of time to make it easier to understand. Our essence is arrogance. We think that everything revolves around us and that the image of the universe is made according to man. However, our end of time is drawing nearer. When our downfall becomes more real, which is completely insignificant, then we will be aware of our transience.

is this the reality that we want to live in
time is an illusion made by humans
the end is nearer than we think
the fragments of space and time
Maze of
group exhibition of young queer artists, Ljubljana Pride, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2022

Foto: Monika Zupin
22 years of movement for equal opportunities!
22 years of effort, search and visibility!
The question is why do you still need a parade? The answer to this is easy BECAUSE! Because in the 21st century the world has started to turn backwards again and because the little equality we have managed to win is again being called into question. Because there shouldn't be a question of why. Because in 2022 we shouldn't be talking about us and you anymore. Because we have not yet reached complete freedom. To the free and relaxed expression of one's emotions and identity. And to a respectful attitude in the environment in which we all live and create. Because the world spins backwards instead of forwards. Because the utopia that seemed close is still very far and untouchable. Because you don't respect us and you don't care about being different and you prefer to fight with what you don't want to understand. Because we have to find the courage to be who we are again and again. Because we want acceptance, equal rights and opportunities. Because violent attacks, both physical and verbal, still occur. So for all those who have ever suffered verbal, physical or any other form of violence. Just because.
2022 // Projekcija: REZ! - Mala šola aktivističnega videa, Galerija Škuc, Ljubljana
2022 // Reciklart - umetniški festival recikliranja in DIY kulture, ACK Metelkova Mesto, Ljubljana
We are limited! We are confined at this moment, which is neither past nor future. The moment that is not even present. We dream of dystopian worlds with happy endings. We close our eyes to the present, which is hectic in the past. In a trance, we are seeing the changes of our identity - our being. We became entities, units of ourselves. We have lost the consciousness that we can change the world. Everything will pass, even this, and the world will become a better place?
Novi trg
group exhibition, ŠKUC - Kulturni klub Q, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2021
Foto: Matej Tomažin, Arhiv: Artopolis
group AR poster exhibition, Animated Women / Animateka Animation Film Festival, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 2020

20 years of Pride
in Ljubljana
group multimedia exhibition, Ljubljana Pride, Ljubljana, Slovenija 2020

digital fabrication of the title, British Library London, London, United Kingdom, 2019

What About Love
solo photograohy exhibition, Cafe Kolaž, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2015
The exhibition was composed of 13 photos. Representing the individual or couples and their aspect towards the love. Every photo is a story by itself. One by one telling the story of the love. It expresses their understanding and feelings. With every choice, word and action, we are the one creating our own destiny. In addition to the photographic exhibition also a video was made, where the models are talking about their perception of the love. The exhibition was open on the 14th of February, on the Valentines day.